Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Advice for the Aptly Nicknamed "Rampage" Jackson

One of my favorite fighters, Quinton “Rampage” Jackson got arrested for hit and run today. There will surely be more to the story, but the police did say that there were no drugs or alcohol in his system, though I think that makes his behavior even more confusing. Part of Quinton’s charm is that he’s a little on the crazy side, but it looks like for a little while this afternoon he went from being entertainingly mildly crazy for the cameras to being reckless and dangerous.

I’m not a lawyer yet or anything, but I would like to give Quinton some advice: Next time you wind up doing a hit and run, don’t do it in a truck with a larger than life-size picture of yourself on it.

Felonies like hit and run aren't funny, but this picture sure is

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